Book an intro

Hi, I'm Nick, a founder turned executive coach. I partner with leaders in transition who want to experience more freedom and clarity in their lives. 


This time in human history is characterized by volatility, complexity, and constant demands on one’s attention. In such a noisy climate, it can be difficult to listen deeply to one’s inner wisdom - the calling inside you, the guide that knows the way.

I believe that learning to contact this inner wisdom is very important, especially now. It's our ticket to a full life – one suffused with energy and meaning, and unburdened by limiting beliefs and what-ifs. The purpose of my work is to help more people experience this fullness.

As a coach, my job is pretty simple. I help you uncover what it is you really want and who it is you are becoming. Then I help you recognize what's getting in the way. And then I help you get whatever's in the way out of the way. This process repeats in an upward spiral toward clarity, freedom, and transformation. The result is an enduring capacity to connect with your inner wisdom through all the noise.
Clients who work with me say that I bring emotional depth, a capacity for holding complexity, and an open presence that creates safety and room to maneuver. I love working with startup founders, senior and emerging leaders, people looking for their zone of genius, and people in transition.

My Background

I am an entrepreneur-turned-coach. As a two-time founder and product leader at mission-driven organizations like Khan Academy, I have experienced firsthand the transformational power of coaching on my professional impact. I bring my experiences as an entrepreneur, board member, and strategist into my practice. I also bring a longtime nondual meditation practice, Foundations training in Internal Family Systems (IFS), and Enneagram wisdom.

I received my coaching certification from Upbuild in April 2024. 

"Nick has played a key role in my personal and career development over the last year. He is excellent at understanding both founder/startup challenges and personal challenges, and he is able to connect the dots between these two worlds. Thanks to Nick, I have discovered some deep realizations about myself that have helped me push the boundaries of what I am capable of doing and craft a sustainable lifestyle that I have always dreamed of."

– Filip Stollár, Cofounder of Deepnote

Working together

‍All coaching relationships start the same way: with an informal chat where we can get to know each other better and discover if there's a fit.

From there, here's a sketch of how the work unfolds:

  • We kick things off with a 90-minute Discovery session. where we talk about what you would like to get out of coaching, and what you need to make it a powerful experience. We make agreements about our relationship so that you leave feeling excited about the journey ahead.
  • We do 60-minute coaching sessions at least 2x per month. Our conversations center around whatever is most relevant for you. Sometimes you might come with an agenda, other times you might come with nothing more than a feeling. Together, we’ll dig into understanding what’s important, how it relates to your goals, and how to take action. I wrap up a session with takeaways, next steps, and accountability.
  • Some of our coaching sessions will be structured. Sometimes, we’ll come across topics that I have expertise guiding. These might include visualization exercises, parts work, Enneagram, strategic planning, or visioning. When this happens, I’ll offer a more structured approach.
  • I’m available between sessions if you need more support. I want to be as helpful as I can be to you. You can text me or email any time. You can ask for my eyes on an important email or document. I love exchanging voice notes.  

This goal here is to offer a steadfast yet flexible level of support to accommodate life’s rhythms, while making consistent progress towards your goals.


I don't have a boilerplate way of coaching – every relationship develops around your unique needs. Here are a few examples of how I work with clients:

1-on-1 Coaching

60 minute sessions at least 2x monthly, with additional support as needed. Ideal for founders, solopreneurs, executives, and people in transition.

Product Coaching

Two 90 minute sessions monthly with a product team of ~5 people, along with monthly 1-on-1 calls. Ideal for product teams that want senior mentorship, leadership coaching, and professional development.

Enneagram Coaching

A 5-session package designed to facilitate self-understanding and transformation. Ideal for people interested in accelerating their growth using the Enneagram as a guide.

Let's connect

If you have more questions, or would like to explore coaching together, I would love to connect. You can book an intro call with me, or reach me at [email protected].Â